Hey! I'm Charlie Kupets, a 2018 graduate of UChicago with a BS in Computer Science and a BA in Economics. I am a Software Engineer at Ironclad in San Francisco.
This it item 94 for UChicago SCAV 2018. I made it in a few days in Unity using C#. It is meant to be a "cookie clicker" style game where you play as President Zimmer managing the endowment.
NYU Sight and Sound: Filmmaking
These are the five movies I made for the NYU Sight an Sound: Filmmaking class in the Summer of 2017.
We were encouraged to work in black and white and without sound in order to learn the basics of visual storytelling.
Movies 4 and 5 have sound, and 5 also has a bit of color (it is also my favorite one).
Paper vs. Paper
Note To Self
Carnal Love
To A Fault
This is a game I made as a final project for a summer social justice program.
The art style is inspired by the murals of Chicago's Little Village neighborhood.
The game is an autorunner where the character jumps automatically, the player must click to place platforms to support the character.
Created a C++ script with Boost filesystem to scan a directory and
send certain files to AWS remote storage depending on file age,
while maintaining a MySQL relational database of file locations using nanoDBC.
I can't post the source code online, but I am happy to answer any questions.
This was a group project for UChicago's Mobile Computing class.
It is a Gear VR game made with Unity. It is meant to be used with Microsoft Kinect.
I created the enivornments and coded the game logic for the MiniGame, BlockStack, and VRBlockStack scenes.
While the game was meant to be played with a VR+Kinect system, it can be played with a mouse.
This was a group project for UChicago's Game Construction Class.
I created the physics engine in C++. It is housed in the folder physics_ck
Compiling the physics engine alone using its makefile will produce an SDL testbed showcasing the engine.
Learning the basics of supervised and unsupervised learning, principal component analysis, dictionary learning, generative and discriminative models, stochastic gradient descent, perceptrons, and k-means clustering. I have used python to implement many of these models.
Learned relational databases, SQL, relational algebra, concurrency control, recovery, entity-relationship and relational models, and other modern database systems. I also implemented SimpleDB, a relational database, using Java.
Used Java to cerate a two-way encrypted communications platform in which I implemented Diffie Hellman key exchange, stream ciphers, a pseudo random generator, and message authentication codes. I also learned about attacks and defenses for things like SQL injections, cross site scripting, and password storage.
Created a physics engine in C++ to handle the movement and collisions for a racing game for boats. The class was more or less a seminar of algorithms commonly used in game development, like A* and Dijkstra’s.
Learned about new applications of computers, with a focus on VR, AR, self-driving cars, and wearable technology. We also learned about the legal and practical history of privacy and big data. Projects included using Unity to create Samsung Gear VR games, largely written in C#.
Learned about CPU design, instructions sets, pipelining, multiprocessors, networking, branching, memory hierarchies, and assembly code. I implemented an Arm-7 emulator that performed pipelining, instruction-level parallelism, branching and branch prediction, and caching.
Learned about programming with sockets, concurrent programming, the data link layer, the Internet and routing protocols like IP, end-to-end protocols like TCP and UDP. We also used C to implement an IRC server and client, a router, and a TCP layer.
Learned the history of computer graphics and the algorithms in use today. These topics included texture mapping, normal mapping, lighting, shadows, forward and deferred rendering, and the data structures used to represent it all. We used OpenGL and C++ to implement these elements. Our final project also included a cel-shader, skybox, and particles.